Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some Thoughts about Working Online

Have you ever wondered where to start making money online? When I first started out trying to make money online, I immediately tried to find the "best" survey sites around. I wasn't sure where to start, so I tried to find BBB Approved Survey Sites first. But they are hard to find! I quickly realized that many non-BBB approved sites are just as good and legitimate as the BBB approved ones. I made my first $8 from a 30 minute survey I took one afternoon. I'll never forget when that check arrived in the mail. I couldn't believe I had actually made money online!

Things have changed quite a bit for me since then. Now I not only take surveys, but I write for cash too. It's been difficult to keep going sometimes, but the longing for more money keeps me going on the hard days. I am hoping to try some new things this fall so that I can hopefully start making money more consistently in the future. I have decided to start blogging my monthly statistics to show my readers that you can, in fact, make money online and also as a way to keep myself motivated to keep up the fight and continue on my journey without giving up along the way!

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